Tuesday, 20 February 2018

#3 February Design Team-Garden Girl

Hi Everyone,

Welcome to my blog & thank you for stopping by! Well it is Tuesday already! That means that it is design team day. It is week number 3 already so we only have 1 more week to go before we move onto a new team.

I have a new Lady stepping in today and also next week as one of the current members is very poorly ;-(  On the plus side we have the lovely Sue stepping in (Suebees papercrafts) . As normal i have put the links to the ladies projects below. Please click on the link and it will take you direct to the blog post for all the info.

Here is the link to Sues project and Blog ;

https://suebeespapercrafts.blogspot.com/2018/02/3-happy-crafters-design-team.html Thank you

Here is the link to JMC creates project & Blog:


Thank you

Ann xx

Garden Girl Stamp set

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