Wednesday, 4 April 2018

The Crinkle Technique Using Southern Serenade

Hi Everyone,

Welcome to my Blog!!
Thank you for popping by today to take a look at my latest tutorial.

I came across this technique while i was browsing YouTube. The Ladies i saw doing this was a fellow demonstrator by the name of Kelly Acheson. As soon as i saw this technique i new i had to try it! I really think it looks like marble. You can have so much fun with this by using different colours! It is also very easy to do and once you try it, you will be hooked!!

To make my cards i used 2016-2018 in colours that will sadly be retiring very very soon. I used Flirty Flamingo, Sweet Sugarplum & Dapper Denim. I will be very sad to see these colours go but on the other hand i am looking forward to seeing what new colours we will have coming!! So exciting.

I used regular Whisper white card stock to make my cards, i have not tries it on water colour card as i think it may be a bit to thick. Of course you could give a go! You never know.

Please check out my YouTube tutorial for full instructions on how i created these cards & how to do the 'crinkle technique'. I have put a link to the tutorial at the end of this post. You will also find a list of the products i used.

I hope you enjoy my project today and i will be back on Friday with another tutorial.

Bye for now!!

Love Ann xx

Product List

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